A Better Way to Invest
"Always stress downside protection before upside potential."

Good-Will Giants

Our goal in the search for superior investment opportunities is to find what Ben Graham described as "Good-Will Giants." By this, we mean we are looking for outstanding businesses that:

  • are easy to understand.
  • consistently earn more than their cost of capital.
  • generate significant cash, not consume it.
  • possess some sort of sustainable competitive advantage so that their earnings are protected from competitive forces.
  • are managed by honest and talented people whose interests are aligned with ours.
  • are growing their underlying intrinsic value at an above-average rate.
  • have experienced better business economic performance than stock price performance.

We will never risk our clients' hard-earned assets by investing in average businesses that:

  • are difficult to understand.
  • consume more cash than they generate.
  • feel the need to buy growth.
  • are considered turnaround stories.
  • are in need of major restructuring.
  • have little or no protection from competitive forces.
  • are structurally disadvantaged.
  • the job of managing the firm is more lucrative than maximizing shareholder value.